Active Community Environment, Inc. (A.C.E.) was organized and developed in 1997 by Linda Demmings, Robert Mc Duffy, Willie Hood and Leonard Matthews. For the first years A.C.E. was successful in implementing a construction training program where participants learned construction skills, through on the job training. We assisted in the rehabilitation of homes purchased by the organization. A.C.E. was also successful in training over 200 students in computer training, telecommunications and completion of GED’S. Of the 200 students trained 69% were placed in jobs in the telecommunications field.
We at A.C.E. understand that as a community, we must assume responsibility for ourselves, and each other to grow socially, spiritually, and financially. Operating under this belief, we feel that if we can gain the interest of the entire nuclear, as well as communal family, offer them a viable alternative to the patterns of destructive behavior that we have past exhibited, and present to them a positive result. Only then can we exact the change that we need to heal our communities.
We appreciate our Sponsors! It is sponsors like you that help us keep our doors opened and provide these services to those in need. All monies donated goes to providing job opportunities, educational services, community out reach and shelter.
All donations are tax deductible….