Classes start June 21 – September 6, 2016
$12.00 weekly – 1 hour class fee
$ 8.00 registration feePay in full for the 12 weeks $125.00
5:30 – 6:30 Ages 6-7
6:30 – 7:30 Ages 8-9
7:30 – 8-30 Ages 10-14Thursday
5:30 – 6:30 Ages 15-17
6:30 – 7:30 Ages 18 and Up (adults only)
7:30 – 8:30 (All Ages) Freestyle $5.00 fee
Dress code: wear comfortable clothing, all black
Black- t-shirt, shorts, sweat pants, leggings, etc.
Tennis shoes only!!! Any colorLearn to do HipHop with, an amazing professional instructor (Brittney Benson). She will help you and your child gain physical and mental strength, longevity, confidence and courage. Sign up for Hip Hop Dance Classes for health benefits, creativity booster or just fun. You and your kid(s), will definitely enjoy the experience, groovin’ and movin’ your way to new memories.
For Additional Information: please call 213-884-3683
Sponsored by Active Community Environment
A Nonprofit Organization # 95-4775194