Seniors who participant in our activities have proved to be a great inspiration to the youth, this is done by providing one-on-one reading sessions or that “Grandparent Touch”. The seniors have also taken advantage of other services in housing, computer training, and mentor ship’s. They are encouraged to attend the summer outings and events. Seniors are afforded all of the services offered at our facility.
A.C.E. provides the following services unique to senior citizens:
Legal Awareness:
Staff and volunteer benefits counselors make group presentations and provide information to participants on to pics such as Medicare HMO’s, Medical supplements, long-termcare insurance and advance directives. Low-income seniors may receive legal advice and consultation with attorneys at reduced costs.
Case Management:
Senior participants who have experienced a recent healthcare crisis may receive temporary assistance to help them remain in their homes. Case managers help client’s access local social services.
Reverse Mortgage Program:
This is a program for seniors 62 and over. This program will enable seniors to do home repairs upgrade appliances and to possibly obtain added monthly income. This will also enable qualifying individuals to enjoy their home and not worry about a mortgage.